Services : IP Strategy Review

Tired of paying thousands of dollars in legal fees for useless services and still having no idea how to protect your intellectual property?
There is a solution!
Most businesses with great ideas that need to be protected try to control their legal bills by not going to see a lawyer—until they need to be saved.
Some try to proactively limit the scope of lawyers’ involvement by googling something and coming to see the lawyer with a very specific (and often unhelpful) request.
I receive many calls and emails asking to assist with a registration of a patent or a trademark. The problem is that often getting a patent or a trademark would not help the client’s business a tiny bit. Of what use is a patent if the business is not planning to license it out and has no money to defend it? How would it feel if you were required to change the name of your product several years down the road because you are found to be infringing someone’s trademark? What will be left of your business if a competitor steals its underlying idea?
A lawyer who accepts a specific request to draft an agreement, register a trademark or to file for a provisional patent in the U.S., without making an effort to fully understand the context in which your business operates is doing you a disservice.
This is why it is my policy to always strongly recommend that my incoming clients start with IP Strategy Review. Crucially, this service is not a sales pitch for my other services. It focuses on YOUR business, not mine. The focus is not on whether you CAN get something protected, but whether you SHOULD. This approach has saved my clients tens of thousands of dollars.
The core of this service is the IPSR Quadrant™:
First, we’ll discuss your business’s structure, the WHO. Then we’ll discuss WHAT your business does, what it sells and how it sells it, how your customers find it, what are the long-term and exit strategies, etc.
Only then, as the third step, we will discuss the intellectual property that goes IN your business. That is the IP that you create, have others create for you, that you license, borrow or steal from others. This step will allow you to see which steps are critical for your business to protect itself from attacks of rightholders and competitors.
The last step is the IP going OUT, which is the intellectual property that you sell, license out or that you are afraid that others may want to steal from you. This step will let you determine if you should be using your IP as a tool that can provide your business a competitive advantage.
Knowing how to protect your IP is one of the most important steps any business should take as early as possible. Imagine if Coca-Cola Company founders said: “Let’s wait till we sell the first hundred thousand bottles and then we’ll hire the best lawyers to deal with trademarking and protecting the recipe’s secret”. They wouldn’t have gone very far, would they?
No business can make strategic decisions about protection of its most valuable assets, unless it understands what these assets are and how they can be protected. Wouldn’t it be great if you could receive a customized strategic solution outlining which areas of IP can help protect your ideas and intellectual property and which legal steps can be taken to achieve that protection – all at a fully predictable flat rate?
Well, now you can! IP Strategy Review provides a true benefit at a predictable cost, without forcing you to pay for unnecessary services.
It is a 90-minute consultation during which we will discuss your business and determine which strategies would make sense from the legal, business, PR and economic points of view. It’s not a typical consultation, since most of the time, I will be asking you questions, not the other way around. Then we will be looking for the answers together.
The cost of the consultation is $999, backed by our 100% money-back guarantee.
If by the end of the consultation you don’t think that you have received your money’s worth, you will receive a full refund, no questions asked.